Yvonne Ellis




2018 has been a year of transition!

It started off as the ‘norm’ but ended up being the exception. I left the comfort zone of having a paid job working for an employer to take a step of faith and risk to carve out my own company. It has been 9 months since I embarked on this journey and many people thought I was crazy, but this decision made total sense to me. It has been a year of transition on all fronts: career-wise and personally; change has developed my character. Now that does not mean it has not been challenging, it certainly has.

As my own boss financially I have had to learn to make my own way and think on my feet about how to maintain my family financial priorities, invest in my business and support my charity organisation, Daughter Arise. It has helped me to think about money in a different way and I am learning more about business. I am taking baby steps but I am slowly learning and growing, something I never experienced in my ‘comfort nest’. This has been necessary for me to get to the next stage of developing myself and vision.

On a personal level, I have had to do new things in order to introduce YEME Empowerment to people. I am good at doing the online stuff: youtube videos, blogs, etc but putting myself out amongst people has required me to push through my inner introvert. It’s strange really: I am totally comfortable giving talks and doing training workshops, but find it challenging doing networking events! I have started to attend networking events and take more of an interest in Linkedin. I also recognise that I need to have more of a social media presence and that is something I will focus on in 2019. These things I am not naturally at ease with doing. I had to ask myself the question what is more important: building my vision or doing what I am comfortable with? I did not think twice about the answer. Building YEME and making it a success is my priority so I will push past any internal barriers to reach my goal.

Besides learning about business and overcoming shyness, the transition has shaped my mindset. I think about things more from a long-term aspect rather than just the here and now. What do I need to do to develop myself? How do I maintain consistency? There are layers and stages of transformation and transition. I am learning about these stages from books, mentors, videos and people that inspire me to ‘break the norm, not be the norm’. To achieve things that have never been done before there is a process you go through and learning it and applying those changes to my life has been the most rewarding and challenging thing I have ever done.

The transition stage is like standing in the middle of a bridge. I am nowhere near where I left from but still far from my destination; I am transforming whilst not knowing where my journey will take me. There are no straight roads or plans on this journey to transition. Sure I have 1,3 and 5-year goals that I want to achieve but seldom things happen in a straight line, I have found that to be the case so far. No matter what happens I am sure this transition phase will bring growth, reflection and adventure; it is where amazing things happen.


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